Pasta al Pomodoro & Vegan T*na.

The geniuses behind Green Kitchen Stories strikes again. I crossed this recipe the other week via Flora; and I was well intrigued when I read one can veganize tuna using… *drum roll*… SUNFLOWER SEEDS! 
And you know what, it tastes ridiculously much like the real deal! The trick is to soak the kernels for at least 6 hours, and once mixed up (with nori and capers and shallots to name a few featuring stars of the recipe) you get a tuna-like texture that tastes like the sea. Ish.

You can eat it straight as it is, or like in this case (where I’ve followed GKS-recipe slavishly) enjoy it in a pomodoro- (aka italian-for-tomato-) sauce.
I do feel like this phenomena is worthy of a catchy and cool abbreviation, like… veguna? (vegan-tuna) Suna? (sunflower-tuna) or just plain t*na (like tuna but without the environmental devastation included)

(… yes, I may have given this waaaay too much thought.)
Check out the original recipe here and leave the fish swimming freely in the sea :’) xx